martes, 3 de enero de 2017

The Cloud: Advantages and Disadvantages

In my opinion, the cloud is something very abstract: we cannot see it, but it is there (or maybe here). It is like an invisible platform where we can store (paying a fee if the quantity exceeds the limit established by the company) all of our digital data or pictures, music, books, etc. In addition, we can share files and use it as a backup service.

On the one hand and according to some articles related to this topic, the most important advantages of the cloud are:

  • Flexibility: it has not only one use.
  • Costs: some of the companies offer a great capacity to store in for free and a reasonable fee if we exceed the limit.
  • Portability: it is accessible with any mobile device; the 'here and now' of the connection.
  • Accessibility: we only need Internet access to make use of the cloud.77

On the other hand, some of the disadvantages are:

  • Security: altough our accounts are highly protected, it is never absolutely enough.
  • Dependency: if we do not have Internet access, we cannot make use of it.
  • Privacy: our data is exposed.
  • Control: users can never be sure of the elimination of their data.

My daily use of the cloud is based, mainly, on the store of pictures and the use of some platforms of communication and education for the sharing of documents, for learning and teaching, etc.

See you in the next post!

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