sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Students' Needs (1st Bac.)

Acoording to the syllabus established for 1st Bac. in the Valencian Community by the Ministry of Education, Investigation, Culture and Sports, the official requirements for the learning of English, as a subject, are the following ones:

- Comprehension of oral texts.

- Production of oral texts: expression and interaction.

- Comprehension of written texts.

- Production of written texts: expression and interaction.

- Cross curricular elements: sound, accent and intonation patterns, its relation to the communicative intentions and morphosyntactic and discursive structures.

On the other hand, the linguistic exchanges that students must use in the English class are all of them referred to the requirements mentioned above: basic narrations, little presentations, short questions and answers, some descriptions and definitions, etc. 

Students of this level must achieve at least an English level between A1-A2, although it is not always carried on, in order to be able to have a basic communication with other speakers of this language. It has to be mentioned that the main objective, in the future, is that students can achieve the B1 level of English but it is a hard work.

See you in the next post!

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